The Ransom Gillis Open House took place this past Sunday in Detroit, MI. Nicole Curtis' tv show Rehab Addict starts this Thursday, and will show the rehabilitation of this beautiful home. We were very excited to have the opportunity to provide our Old English Detroit, MI t-shirt for Nicole, and the volunteers to wear the day of the event!
So great to see so many people come together to see a beautiful house, for a great cause!
All of the proceeds were donated to a young lady from Detroit with Stage 4 cancer named Tessa. You can learn more about #teamtessa on her facebook page . Tons of Donations were also collected for the Detroit Dog Rescue as well!
Thank you, Nicole and All of her Volunteers for representing our t-shirts the day of your Open House!
Thank you to everyone who came out, and spent time in line and come together for such a great cause! :)